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Five Things You Must Do to Take Care of Your Dental Aligners

Oct 08, 2021
Dental aligners are clear, removable appliances that straighten your teeth as they slowly shift into proper alignment. By wearing them for about 22 hours per day, you can help improve the appearance of your smile in approximately 6-18 months.

Dental aligners are clear, removable appliances that straighten your teeth as they slowly shift into proper alignment. By wearing them for about 22 hours per day, you can help improve the appearance of your smile in approximately 6-18 months. While this procedure is much easier than traditional braces, there are some rules to follow for caring for your aligners. Here are five important tips on how to care for your dental aligners.

1. Clean Your Dental Aligners Every Day

One of the most important things you need to do is clean your dental aligner with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive paste every day after removing it from your mouth. Try not to brush too aggressively when you’re trying to remove plaque and tartar. Brushing too aggressively can damage both your aligners and your teeth. Use a soft toothbrush and brush gently. This will help prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. You can clean them by placing the aligners in a glass of water and adding a teaspoon of toothpaste. Soak them for 2-3 minutes, brush them thoroughly using your toothbrush and rinse with lukewarm water.

2. Use a Mouthguard at Night

When you wear your dental aligner all night, it is very important to protect your teeth and aligners by wearing a mouthguard. You can sleep comfortably knowing that your teeth and aligners will be protected from the pressure of the jaw clenching during sleep. This is especially important if you are experiencing any TMJ pain. Also, be sure to remove your aligners before bedtime so that you can brush thoroughly and don’t have any plaque buildup. If you are not wearing your Aligners as you sleep, keep them in a resealable storage bag. It is important to keep your dental aligners in a resealable storage bag when you’re not wearing them. This will keep them clean and protected from damage. If they are exposed to dust or dirt, they can be easily scratched or chipped, affecting the way they fit over time.

3. Watch What You Chew

One of the most important things that you can do is not smoke when you have your aligners on. Smoking is very harmful to dental health in general and especially while wearing your aligners. It can stain teeth and damage both your teeth and your dental aligners. If you are a smoker, try to quit while you have your teeth aligned to help protect them from the damaging effects of smoking.

It is important to avoid hard foods that can damage your aligners. It is also wise to cut chewy foods into smaller pieces before you eat them because they are particularly harmful to wearing down your aligners.

Crunchy snacks are very harmful to dental aligners and should be avoided altogether. They can block the openings of your aligners and trap food particles that will cause damage to your teeth, gums, and aligners.

Citrus fruits are acidic and can erode the enamel of your teeth. Try to avoid these altogether, but if you do eat them, rinse your mouth with water afterward so that the acid doesn’t sit on your teeth for too long.

Sticky foods can get caught in the grooves of your aligners, breaking them. Sugar dissolves in water and sits on the teeth for long periods. This can break down the enamel that protects your teeth, so it’s important to avoid these types of foods as well.

4. Don’t Use Your Tongue

It would be best to never put pressure on dental aligners with your tongue or fingers because it can cause major damage. You do not want to take the chance of having your aligners break in half or chip. Also, avoid pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth as this can cause damage and may affect how your aligners fit. This may also cause your tongue to tire quickly. If you have a chipped or broken aligner, visit your family dentist as soon as possible for oral care.

5. Schedule Regular Checkups with Your Dentist and Be Patient

It is important to schedule regular checkups to have a professional in the best dental care in Scottsdale az take a look at your dental aligners. During a checkup, they will be able to see whether you are wearing your aligners properly, whether they are too tight or too loose, and your teeth condition. They will be able to detect any signs of damage that can’t be seen immediately. This will help them make adjustments to your dental aligners if necessary. Regular checkups will also help in identifying if you have any problems, such as infections. This will prevent the condition from worsening and lead to more serious conditions that can be difficult to treat. One of the most important things to remember is to be patient. It can take time for aligners to work, so don’t get discouraged if your teeth are still shifting after a few weeks or months. It is very normal for this process to take time so try not to be impatient.

In conclusion, it is very important to practice good oral hygiene and follow certain instructions when using dental aligners. This will help protect your teeth and prevent damage caused by improper use of the aligners. If you follow these simple instructions, it will help you avoid unnecessary damage to your dental aligners.